Restorative Practice & Behaviour Support

At our school, we adopt restorative practices and a nurturing environment where learners can grow from their mistakes to support the development of friendships and social skills. Understanding that mistakes are a natural part of learning, we need to explicitly teach them to ensure learners know how to behave, just like we teach reading, writing, or math. 

For learners who have made the wrong choice we follow a  logical consequences system and offer moments for reflection in dedicated 'thinking spots'. Here, learners think about how to rectify any harm caused and align their actions with positive strategies to do something differently next time. Our goal is to create positive behaviour and foster inclusive learning in an environment that promotes well-being and achievement for all.

If your child comes home feeling sad about anything, please follow up with the teacher, as learners' well-being is a priority for us. We can immediately follow this up at school. Any concerns are always dealt with within 48 hours.