Reporting to Whaanau through HERO

At Tamaoho School, we use progressions (goals) that provide a systematic approach to explicit teaching. You can see the Goals your child is working on and being taught at school through their report on Hero. These goals are updated in real-time, and home learning is linked to them by clicking on the question mark next to your child’s goal.

Progress and Achievement Language we use at Tamaoho School


This can be found under the report section on Hero. 

At Tamaoho School, we are dedicated to fostering continuous learning progress and achievement through a progression framework (goals). This framework clearly outlines the learning goals your child is currently working on, providing a transparent and real-time view of what your child is learning at school. Whaanau have full access to Reading, Writing, Maths, Art and P.E goals, so you can support their learning at home.

Progress Graphs

This can be found under the report section on Hero 

We also use progress graphs on Hero under your child’s report to clearly identify where your child is at in terms of the National Curriculum for Reading, Writing and Maths. It tracks learners' progress while they are at Tamaoho school. This provides whaanau with a clear indication of where their child is at in terms of their learning. 

Watch this video to find out more


This can be found in two places on Hero, Under reporting or assessments. 

We share all learners assessments on Hero with whaanau through photographs. Nothing is hidden. Once an assessment is done on your child the whaanau teacher will upload to Hero for you to see, and they will also write a comment to let you know what the assessment tells us as teachers about your child’s learning and their next learning goals to focus on. They will also write a progress comment around how much progress they are making and where they are achieving. 

Learning Celebrations

This can be found under learning on Hero. 

Under Learning on Hero, you will find all the information on your child’s other areas of learning (Art, P.E. and Inquiry). 

This is where you will also find general learning reporting comments to provide you with a holistic understanding of how your child is getting on at school. 

Teachers also celebrate learners' significant achievements when meeting learning goals along with photographs! Whannau really love reading this information and seeing the photographs.